Friday 28 November 2014

This whole of 2014 with the grace of God I've managed to print and sell 500 copies. Thank you to all my readers for supporting. i only wish to give you bigger and better. Keep watch because more is coming.
Hello everyone, first and foremost, thank you all for your support in buying a copy of my novel, "Love, My Addiction". Secondly, I am launching the same title next month on the 7th of February at the University of Zambia Main Chapel, from 18:00hrs to 20:00hrs. The tickets are going at K100 and inclusive in those tickets is a meal and photos.
Invited guest include the ZNBC news crew, the dean of students, the UNZASU president and Vice and the Zambia Education Publishing House manager.
The guest of honor will be Hon Daniel Munkombwe and Dr. VJ Mwaanga.
Come and see the first title in the campus series take off.