Wednesday 10 December 2014

My name is Gilbert and I was on my way to the ‘ruins’ to see my friend Daniel, much to my surprise, I saw him at the small gate between Inter 1 and 3 and he was looking agitated, I could have sworn he saw me coming, which in the actual sense he’d have indicated by waving at me or just smiling, but it appeared he was looking through me, or that possibly I was invisible to him. As I drew closer to him I realized his sights were set on images as far back as the lib or by Book World. His face looked anxious; I don’t remember ever seeing him like this. I drew close and said, “Hey, Daniel, hi”. Then he put his hand on my shoulder still looking around as if expecting to see both an angel and a ghost, I couldn’t tell what he was on, “Daniel, what’s going on?” I asked. “She’s a BITCH!!!” He roared, “Whoa!” I responded. That was the first time I heard my friend referred to a female that way. “What???” I asked, something was wrong somewhere. “She’s a BITCH!!!” he screamed again. “Dude, calm down” I said, “no man she’s a BITCH!!!” He went on. “Okay, okay who are we talking about here?” I asked him because this was ‘becoming unbecoming’. “This girl, she’s… she’s… she’s a BITCH!!!” He said, with hands on his head this time, it seemed ‘bitch’ was the only word he could describe this girl by, and in my own dictionary it has basically three meanings; bitch is either a female dog, wolf, fox or otter or it could mean; a disliked or spiteful woman or in black American slang; it just means a woman… But my friend is not black American… He’s black Zambian. So he couldn’t have been using the word to mean the latter. “Who is this girl?” I asked again, trying to get to the bottom of it. “She’s messed me up so bad, because of her other girls on campus are no longer appealing, its like they’ve turned into boys! I mean breasts on a girl’s chest looks like stones that are without shape. When any other girl smiles, instead of seeing a beautiful dental formula all I see is broken glass! Damn it, what am I going to do? This girl’s a BITCH!!!” “Okay when you say the ‘b’ word, you sound like you hate this girl, but when you describe her effects on you, you sound like you like her…” “Are you serious? How can I-” “Exactly, how could you like that kind of girl?” I asked. “Dude, this girl makes me stand when I feel like sitting and sit when I feel like standing and whenever I think of her there are things that run through my body, especially the area of my stomach!” “You feel butterflies?” I asked him; clearly he seemed to like this girl. “Man it makes me feel like screaming! I HATE HER FOR DOING THIS TO ME!” He became furious. “Dude, I’m confused, uh, I’m in darkness; lost, please find me, shade some light… Do you like this girl?” “No! Gilbert I don’t like her, she’s a bitch!!! B.I.T.C.H… Beautiful… Intelligent… Trustworthy… Christian… Hottie!!! And I’m in love with her…………………………………………………. “I forgot my friend was for drama”.   

I’m a girl, just like any other, on this campus, with hobbies, fantasies and this crazy schedule called school. Its all lectures and tutorial groups here and, oh yes, this thing called jobbing (studying); I get sick of it all from 04 to 24. And the only thing that gives me breath... fresh air, sweet relief and that strongly desired rest from it all is... when I text. When I text to whoever cares to listen or ‘what’s ups’ me back, it feels like heaven to me. And lately texting has become an addiction that all eyes are seeing including my own and I don’t seem to care, I love doing it so much that I text in lectures, in tutorials, when I'm eating, even when I'm bathing I can’t seem to switch it off. I think right now its my only hobby, the only time I'm not texting is when my phone is off. And it has been like this for a while until that day when I woke up with shaky hands because I was charging my phone the previous night. I was preparing for a test in the morning so my texting was decent until after the test, and I swore I was going to text the whole day, even in arrears. But wait! Something happened; after the test, when I was free to text, free to be me, when my drive to text was so hot, I was walking with my friend, texting to everyone including him, then I paused a bit, glanced away and OMG! My eyes fell on you... It was unexpected, unplanned, you were seated talking to some girls and my eyes fell on you, I didn’t care who the girls were because my eyes fell on you, I saw your slick eyebrows; that made the hairs of my skin stand up... goosebumps. The way your side-beards charmingly went down to your chin; my mind paused, and so did my body, I actually stood still and then my mind started spinning, you confused me, because in that moment I saw how plum your lips are, rich as they glowed; I felt a chill go down my spine. And how tone your skin was, I could smell it’s freshness from a distance. You’re so adorable In that glance it became clear; my destiny was to fall in love with you, because in that
moment I stopped texting. I stopped texting because texting became useless, it lost value, and your looks burnt it out of my senses. But the confusing thing is I didn’t know if I stopped texting because your sights killed that habit in me or I stopped texting basically because it was you that I was panting to text to............................................................... Little did I know that you’re Jesus Christ.

The pain of rejection… there is nothing like it, it tears you apart from the inside-out, to know that you are not perfect in the eyes of the one you see as perfect. To you they are your dream, but to them you are so grim. You think you are charming, and then you discover your smile is alarming. You’d give your best to them; forget your own needs so that theirs could be met. Love them till there’s no more love in you left for you… My name is Valentine. Trust me the name might be synonymous to romance and might paint a picture that I’m so smooth that I’ve never been rejected but to the contrary I have been, rejection is a beast that knows no bounds. I’ve often thought the bravest thing in life is to give your heart to someone, because when you do, you trust that someone with your life and keeping all else constant, they become the cowards for not loving you back, because with everything that we go through in life, Love is the mountain top, the pinnacle of happiness, there is nothing as great as love (1Cor 13:13), even the author of creation is defined as…(1 John 4:8) , there is no greater feeling than to love deeply and to know that you are as deeply loved too, but it becomes so unfortunate when you give your love and you don’t feel it coming back to you, that was my fate when I gave my heart to this girl, who was so special that in my eyes she had no ratio, and I remember my last words to her were;

I loved you always; you were like a star to me
I desired you passionately; you were like gold to me
I wanted you exceedingly; you were the woman for me

But when I sang to you the song of my heart,
you buzzed me off
When I cried to you the language of my soul,
you side-lined me and
When I whispered to you the secrets of my affection,
you silenced me
only because you just couldn’t have me

I spent night and day
Pondering and wondering
Why? How? When…?
Then when my hope had one more heart to bit
Destiny rung its bells
Fate gave out its whisper and
Nature took its unexpected course

I sensed your presence in my heart
I felt your warmth on my skin
I looked around and my eyes met you

You, the girl that can make my heart pause in one minute
and make it play in the next
you, the only girl that can give me strength with one word
and make me weak with a single glance
you! The heart that bits within my chest!

And I took in a breath of courage and took out a breath of cowardice
I breathed in charm and breathed out clumsiness
I breathed in acceptance and breathed out rejection
I approached you and you were happy to see me
I lingered around you as by your side you wanted me
I poured out all over you and I was like milk and honey

Can’t you understand that
Your eyes, they hypnotize me
Your smile, it mesmerises me
Your voice, it breathes life into me

And I thought I was more handsome than ten princes put together
But it turns out I am uglier than a frog
I thought I was more charming than William Shakespeare
But it turns out am no more than a snail that can’t even talk
I thought I was as irresistible as Chocolate
But it turns out am as unpleasant as Magwaza

If I am not worthy of you then am not worthy of any other women
Because if my eyes can see only you and be blind to other girls
Then you are my reason for existence,
My destiny but you strip it from me

NB: Now when you come to think about it, that is how Christ feels whenever we choose the devil over him through our many actions. We’re his bride and he’s our groom but we deny him still.

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